The following are a few examples of 3d computer models I have had printed using a company called Shapeways.

Bell 47 Cockpit
Cockpit printed for a radio controlled Bell 47.

The finished physical model created by Mick Pattison.

Helicopter Collective
The original computer model had approximately 260,000 polygons. The 3D print is about 10cm long.

500,000 polygon model of the necklace



The real thing in silver. (The following is a description of the process from the shapeways website) Created with a lost-wax casting process using a high-resolution 3D wax printer. The 3D printed wax model is put in a container and liquid plaster is poured around it to create a mold. After the plaster sets, the wax is melted out and molten silver is poured into the plaster mold.